Below are listings for djs in Hastings and the surrounding area ...
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In Hastings
07900 958 984
Based in Hastings in the heart of 1066 Country, we have been providing professional mobile disco services for over 10 years and it is our continued pleasure and passion to deliver top quality music entertainment to private and corporate clients alike. We currently serve most of East Sussex and Kent including Hastings, Rye, Bexhill, Herstmonceux, … more
In 1993 we opened our first office. It was in Hastings in a substantial Victorian derelict halfway up Havelock Road. … more
Listed in: Estate Agents
, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hastings Centre, Hastings
, 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Hanushka Coffee House, Hastings
Struggling to find any useful FAQ’s for the event. What time do doors open for VIP’s? Are fold up chairs … more
Hello, I’m new to the area, have some background in art and design and I’m interested in this course as … more